Thursday, April 5, 2012

ARMS is up and running

Hey fellow Australian halo reach players!

This clan is for serious halo players who want a fun clan with departemeny for your specific qualities and skills.

A.R.M.S will be playing at specific time during the week, and we will be playing various game types using strategies and tactics to nail the other team!

The departements will be:

Air Force:

This departement will specialise in driving and controlling vehicles, using these vehicles to transport players, provide cover fire and rain bullets onto the enemy spawn.  When a "non-vehicle" gametype is played, the players from this departement will play as troopers (explained bellow)

Ground vehicles
Air vehicles


 This departement is the "all-rounded" players (no pun intended) to take controll of objectives, provide kill points and blitz the team.  These players MUST stick in a group in order to overpower the opponent.

Default Weapons (DMR/Assualt Rifle)

Heavy Support:

These people must have both good aim and great timing.  This departement will specialise in taking out vehicle using EMPS and providing cover fire using snipers and DMR's

Rockets (fuel rod and rocket launcher)

Recreuitement will begin in a month.

A video will be made andplaced to encourage recruits to join.

Keep updated on the website for more upcoming info.

Clive, out!